
Welcome to ThatPenguinGame’s website, where I will be providing the daily 13 years of historical memories you can find on our social medias, as well as expanding it to the website and bringing more Club Penguin content overall. Come check out what other Penguins are enjoying. Waddle On!

Blog Posts

The website’s first project is to provide and archive every What’s New Blog Post made from the Club Penguin Team. Watch the project slowly grow.

Social Medias

ThatPenguinGame’s main content at this moment is featured on our Social Medias. Feel free to join us for daily historical memories from the 13 years of Club Penguin.

Weekly Throwbacks

April 27th:

April 27th:

April 27th:

April 27th:

April 27th:

April 27th:

April 27th: